Friday, August 31, 2018

The Missing Link between Mysticism,Faith and Conspiracy Theories

'We deal not with flesh and blood but with Principalities'. This is the biblical message. Once taken on board it is hardly a leap for the faith based to conclude that there are 'unseen powers behind the throne' that are pulling the strings, whether they be shape shifting reptiles of the Ickean persuasion, or the royal bloodline gathering in secret locations under the Bielderberg rubric - the bankers, shadowy jewish cabals -the 'jewish lobby, the Rothschilds - take your pick from the colorful motley crew of  familiar suspects that feed the feverish imagination of the conspiraciacs and the industry grown up around their outlandish claims.

I have yet to meet any believer of such theories that is not also a New Age mystic or belongs to some obscure religious cult. It goes with the territory. These are the people who vote Trump and think there is a world conspiracy against the US and they spout all the mantras of the Trump Cult about 'fake news' and the other buzz words got from the deranged and demented wilder shores of conspiracy mania driven by the likes of mad Alex Jones.

I knew a perfectly or seemingly rational person who believed every other news story was a conspiracy theory, from 9/11 being an inside job, the moon landing being fake, even the adverse weather he blamed on the prime minister of the day Gordon Brown and would lament to me how the weather had gone downhill after Brown had taken over from Tony Blair!

If you can believe that the world was created by a spirit being from another dimension it is a mere walk in the park to think that 9/11 was an inside job. Mysticism,the willing and active suspension of  reason  and commonsense sets people up to be credulous,it is the precondition that makes the huge and ever growing conspiracy industry what it is.

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