Thursday, August 23, 2018

Corbyn to Propose State takeover of entire media

The Left cannot rule with a free press and media - indeed  there is no history of it ever doing so and it comes as no surprise therefor that the Corbyn government-in -waiting is already floating a trial balloon regarding it -in the form of a speech he will give later today to muzzle the already over regulated media, impose swingeing taxes on the digital so-called tech giants in order to fund 'citizen independent journalism'.

 An independence which will be paid for by holding a gun to the 'tech giant,s' head reveals a very unusual definition of the word - ie  its complete opposite!

It's plans for the BBC are equally sinister. It will tax the said 'tech giants' to boost the already swelling bulging coffers of the State public broadcasting giant and, place license payers on the board of governors or enable them to decide the composition of the board and have Class Quotas to ensure the beloved word of the left, diversity.

Such proposals of state incursion on free speech will no doubt   endear him to the fascist left ie his base but it can only send a chill through the hearts of  all those who cherish freedom of speech and liberty and to whom this is a direct and sinister existential  threat.

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