Saturday, February 11, 2006

NHS: Should It Carry A Government Health Warning?

Here is what i posted on the NHS Blog Of Dr Crippen. Sorry I have forgotten how to link.His reply begins with 'oh dear.. '

Can anyone explain why my elder friend who had a mini stroke and went to hospital and who has secondary diabetes(less severe one) and who got his sugar level down to 6(I think) prior to going to hospital by dint of Atkins like diet,found 6 days after eating hospital food which comprised of 'diabetic food' such as ice cream and custard (sweets) his level shoot up to 18(I think)?What do they put in this diabetic food -sugar?

Even more alarming than this, when he pointed it out the nurse didn't want to listen and neither did the doctor.They have now put him on insulin.According to him none of the nurses or doctors listen which is a rather strangecommentary on the 'profession' or am I missing something?They also have a cavalier attitude to his drug regimen and do not consider his own legitimate concerns over negative reactions to specific drugs of any consequence.niconoclast Homepage 11.02.06 - 11:13 am #

Oh dear, niconoclast, I can't answer or explain all that. Except to say that in the old days, the nurses gave out the food and so made sure that diabetic patients got appropriate food. They do not do that now as they are playing at being doctors. And the junior hospital doctors now are probably tucked up in bed with their cocoa as they are not allowed to work hard....maybe therefore they do not know what diabetets is.Dr John Crippen Homepage 11.02.06 - 1:15 pm #

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