Saturday, February 04, 2006


Whilst I despise Rap music I have to confess that since getting satellite over a year ago I have been converted to Eminem.His videos are little psychodramas and quite intriguing,like a therapy session where his demons are exorcised (or excercised.)

I can handle this because he is white and I know he is just playing at it whereas for black people Rap has been a disastrous thing because it glorifies their wretched condition and besides ,they appear to lack the wit and intelligence and irony of Eminem.He actually beats them at their own game in the same way the Stones beat Mudddy Waters etc.

This is coming out as racist isn't it? Let's just say that I think there is something redeeming in Eminem's work,almost purging.(Enema perhaps?)

George Bush said he is the biggest threat to American youth since polio.His anti Bush video was a joke but his latest video When I'm Gone hints at an intelligent and nuanced sensibility.

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