Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sordid Arabia

Saudi Arabia the very cesspit of the muslim world,the source from which the toxic ebola-like virus of Izlam has spread across the middle east to contaminate the globe leaving a trail of destruction in its wake,this is the country the UK is honouring by hanging its flags at half mast in 'respect' of its deceased monarch.

Just a week ago a blogger was being flogged for daring to host a forum on free speech and here we are toadying up to a vile Arab dictatorship whilst at the same time saying we are at war with extreme Islam  and that UK citizens have to give up their liberty privacy and freedom in order to fight it.

Surely proof if proof were needed that the west is not at war with this evil ideology and its exponents but is busy in Chamberlainesque appeasement of  it and is using the pretext of the phoney war on terror to rob us of our liberties and freedom on the installment plan.

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