Tuesday, January 20, 2015

DON'T Mind the Gap

The mantra of the left that the gap between rich and poor is growing is of course supposed to bipass the cerebral cortex and it is very successful in so doing but it should be  countered by saying that the gap is actually a good thing because it is accurately measures the distance between competence and incompetence, success and failure,good performance versus bad,excellence versus mediocrity.To fill in that pay gap,to shorten the distance between those two points with government legislation will not eliminate mediocrity and failure but merely enshrine, reward and entrench it.

The gap between rich and poor argument reveals the profound misunderstanding on the left of how wealth is made  and how economies actually function as it sees the economy as  finite size like a pie whose portions have to  be fairly distributed ( by the state of course) to ensure an equality of outcome and moreover that wealth is  a given,a natural phenomenon that simply exists and then has to be doled out equally which completely bipasses the cause of wealth which is individual effort and achievement,an extraordinary expenditure of ingenuity,effort and intellectual work.

It is this,the product of individual minds,independence and achievement that the collectivists seek to appropriate  to the egalitarian end of providing welfare to the non achievers,the non productive,those who merely perform by rote the actions of others.In other words, the productive are to become the slaves of the non productive to achieve this noble end of closing the gap between rich and poor.

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