Sunday, June 09, 2019

Why do people think Anti Trump is Left wing?

It is a common trap and would be quite comical were it not so serious as trump's economic policies have way  more in common with those of Bernie Sanders than the average Republican's.Such is the power of emotionalism and tribalism to blind people to reality and it is very key to note that those arguing for a return to masculine values are the biggest cry babies ever, whining that feminism has stolen their manhood and the Chinese their jobs and begging big government to enact statist protectionist policies and tariffs to keep them in an old dead rust belt industry forever because of their infantile entitlement mentality.

Co dependence on the state and emotional incontinence are the hallmarks of Trump fandom and to criticize it is left wing! Yeah, right. If this is not cultist behaviour I do not know what is.

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