Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Liberty and its false defenders

Watching a  a speech David Davies gave on the history of British liberty I was struck by his omissions and his conflation of liberty with democracy.This is really one to watch as it is common and cannot possibly be accidental as it is so patently erroneous.

A system where a man can vote to have his neighbour's property and income purloined through taxation is one where liberty has long fled and yet repeatedly the liberty /democracy conflation is articulated in the correct assumption that this package deal will go undetected so embedded through repetition are the democracy worshiping incantations, inducing in the listener   the effect of near hypnotic subliminal programming.

Mr Davies completely omitted from his near hour long discourse any mention of taxation - in a speech on liberty!God, or someone defend us from false defenders of liberty such as he.

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