Sunday, October 26, 2014


First the state tells you what kind of healthcare you will have and creates a monopoly and when as all socialist plans do it results in rationing it begins to lecture people on the food they are eating,levies taxes on unhealthy food, bans food outlets near schools,bans advertising and thus we see the socialist ratchet effect of one incursion on individual rights begetting many more on the inexorable path to socialist serfdom.The fact that this socialist NHS behemoth has killed hundreds of thousands of people over its 60 year reign of tyranny bothers the socialist ideologues not a jot as they continue to laud a healthcare system in thrall to the discredited morally bankrupt ideology of socialism.The NHS death cult has many slavish adherents not least the conservatives who are forever wearing their socialist heart on their sleeves and promising yet more tax  infusions to the voracious blood sucking socialist NHS beast.From NHS to NHSS it goosteps its way through healthcare and no one stands in its way as the political class fall over one another to salute and champion its monstrous advance on the nation's liberties and health.

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