Wednesday, November 16, 2011

As Berlusconi Is Bundled Out In EU Coup What Price Democracy?

There is no longer any pretence that the EU is democratic with the summary ousting of Berlusconi by EU commisars and his replacement with euphemistically termed 'technocrat' Monti as the BBC refers to him with drooling approval.This is a naked power grab more in keeping with third world banana republics and thugocracies.Imagine if the Spanish Socialist MP had been similarly ousted as his country goes into economic meltdown and the howls of outrage and gnashing of teeth this would elicit from the MSM BBC Guardianistas But.because it was the Left's bete noire Berlusconi is was met with relief approbation and dancing in the streets.The mask is now off and the Germans are now forth reich in their demands that UK falls in line with their master plan of complete EU German hegemony.


niconoclast said...

ermany's atavistic arrogance is to the fore Right now and seems to be their defawlty mode so yes we should allude to their recent past - lest they forget.The EU was their attempt to win by bur/eurocracy what they could not by force of arms.The minatory comments by certain German politicians in recent days suggests that the old Nazi dog has returned to its vomit.(They started it).

niconoclast said...

he mistake made is the idea that if you present people with logical argument they will heed it and change policies.Where exactly is any example of that?Everyone is in denial.Cameron thinks the EU should print money to bail out its Socialist excesses.Merkel thinks the UK should wade in with printed money.The only solution for such kleptocrats is take their credit cards away.The only solution is free market capitalism but no one will even discuss it.Yes Farage has the answers but tory voters are so hypnotised into voting tory they are like sheep voting for kebabs.We are the donner nation.

niconoclast said...

atred is not a crime.Acting on it with violence is.This is Orwellain thought crime territory and classical government tactics of divide and rule.It is actually fomenting racial and religious discord whilst pretending to promote harmony.I believe Warsi should be kicked out of the Conservative party as she is a divisive mischief maker.Freedom of speech means you can practice your religion and I can make fun of it.There is no such thing as a racial or religious crime.There is only crime.Those who seek to obscure this fact do so to gain political advantage for their particular tribe or religion and their attempts should be stoutly exposed and rejected.

niconoclast said...

I don't even believe there is such a thing as mental illness,it is a big scam,an industry.Depressed?Suck it up.Mentally ill so called people are not disabled,they are lazy,parasitic and very crafty and know how to work the system.They are also deeply wedded to the entitlement culture and think the world owes them a living.I've met them and the only thing they are talented in is self pity fecklessness.Immoral corrupt politicians and certain doctors see these people as a career opportunity.Disgraceful.