Thursday, May 24, 2007

Dyke Smokes Out Fag Reith

Reith was a fag! Greg Dyke revealed all on BBC 4 last night. A curmudgeonry fantasist and mediocrity envious of achievers in the real world like Churchill and delusional, Reith was the perfect head for an organisation with totalitarian ambitions which has achieved its goal of stretching a monstrous reach across the world's airwaves with baneful and pernicious effects on freedom of thought and enquiry. Like a oppressive pall it casts its hypnotic thrall, subjugating the masses with pc driven agendas and a malignant world view.

In the 40's George Orwell worked for the organisation and it was his experience there that imbued his worst nightmarish visons of state control and totalitariansm in his book 1984. This monopolising tyranny of the airwaves has reached its nadir of thought control. It is now clear that its founding leader was a delusional megalomaniac and it should be consigned to the dustbin of history.

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