Friday, March 17, 2006

Harold Wilson Was A Communist Plant

Taxation was at a staggering 98%.Britain was on the verge of a Communist coup led by far left Labour party/ Soviet funded trade unions.The troops were at the ready to topple the Wilson government and restore Democracy.I was busy playing with my toy soldiers at the time and listening to Alan Freeman Hit parade on radio one. We did live in exciting times even if some of us were otherwise engaged.

The BBC covered this story last night and it was truly spooky to see how close this country came to being taken over by Communist soviet backed insurgents in the Wilson government.Lord Mountbatten was waiting in the wings to restore Democracy with the army poised and awaiting orders.Fortunately the Conservatives won the election and Thatcher smashed the commie unions and we all lived happily ever after.It was a close one though.The Scargillistas were a beat away from victory.

Later Wilson succumbed to Alzheimers but looking at his disastrous premiership it is not difficult to adduce that the symptoms were there right at the start.Some with similar mental instabilities such as Tony Benn have made a career out of being loopy.Unlike BennWilson chose to keep his ailment under wraps and went into a long private retreat into the twilight zone.

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