Sunday, January 02, 2005

Blunket -a sorry record

He might have pretended to speak softly and carry a big white stick but Blunket he has presided over the biggest increase in crime in British history.

The police have handed the streets over to the criminals - that is the Blunket legacy.
Labour have always been pro criminal as they take the Marxist view that all property is theft: ergo let the criminals seize it.

We need much longer prison sentences,return of the death penalty and corporal punnishment for young offenders.

An overhaul of the judiciary is also necessary. It has been infested by an army of tax funded do gooders,probation officers social workers, psychobabblers and counsellors -mostly women I should add. A plague of feminist do goodery destroying the very fabric of our society and creating a country fit for robbers rapists and muggers to thrive in.

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